Since the theme of our blog is "adding luster" (no, not lust, luster ;) ) we thought we should have a blog entry devoted to it. Why do we want it, and how do we get it?
Buried in the words "fluster" and "bluster" is the perfectly beautiful word, "luster." Yet we often let the other two dominate our days. When Fluster and Bluster join us, we are usually headed for some anxious moments. When they leave, there is little of value left.
But luster is different. Just saying the word gives our mind’s eye a picture of a radiant
pearl, burnished copper, or polished wood. The kind of beauty that glows from within to form a lustrous surface does not happen overnight or with one swipe of the polishing cloth. Just as the person we are today is made up of decades of experiences, it takes many soft brush strokes over many years to create the inner radiance that is luster. Our own life luster comes from the little things that we do each day, together with the major events that occur each year, layer upon layer.

gain their luster – sometimes called the heart and soul of the pearl – from layers of a substance call nacre. The longer the pearl develops in the oyster, the more layers of nacre are deposited, and the more luster for the pearl. We tend to worry that we will lose our "glow" as the years go by. But we have it backwards. With luster as our guide, we are gaining our glow with each year that passes.

Maybe luster is our most visible way of showing those we love, those we know, or just those we meet what we are made of. The glow is there, even if we cannot see it ourselves. During some low points, we may think it is no longer important. What a mistake! That is like saying that the experiences of life – those that make us strong, compassionate, forgiving, and warm of heart – are not important.
It is true that luster can become dull or just plain unrecognizable with tarnish. When that occurs it is our duty, yes our duty, to reclaim our luster. Pull out that polishing cloth and polish away the dirt and grime. Do this for yourself – to show the world what a treasure you are. There is not another of you. There will never be another you. When you embrace what you have become through the layers of your life, only then can you bring luster to those you love most.
Who do you know who "gets it" (or "got it") about luster? Your mom? Your friend? You? Audrey Hepburn? Tiger Woods? ... Britney Spears?
Write a comment and tell us, or tell us what you did today to add to your luster.
this is bailey. i am a pocket mouse.
i think cheese has the most beautiful, radiant luster of anything in the whole wide world.
and it is also delicious.
this is bailey. i am a pocket mouse.
i think cheese has the most beautiful, radiant luster of anything in the whole wide world.
and it is also delicious.

bye for now.
What a beautiful note. Reading it makes me think of all the good things that life has to offer.
Thank you for your comment, Carlton. Hope you will stop by the blog again.
Your blogs inspire thought. I live with constant pain. What I am doing to add luster to my life, is to try going to the gym. I did it for the first time Thursday night. Did I have pain - yes? Did I keep on working out? Yes. I am going again today,thanks to a friend. I am still hurting from Thursday, but I am not going to let that dim my luster. I am going to shine through.
Thanks for this blog.
Dear Ruthie,
Your comment inspires us! Good for you for going to the gym and for working through the difficult times. You sound like you are an amazing person.
Thank you for stopping by the blog.
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